Ditch your phone
STEP 1: Get a data-only plan. We’re on T-Mobile (US), but AT&T has some great ones too. Just make sure your carrier knows you ONLY need a tablet data plan with NO VOICE, otherwise you’ll be paying as much as a typical phone plan. (Our data plan only costs us $10/month each!)
STEP 2: Get an incoming number. There are a few different ways to do this, but my personal fav is via Google Hangouts. It’s free, and you can receive incoming calls OR incoming texts (via the Google Hangouts app). Step-by-step guide coming soon, subscribe via the bar at the top to be updated when we hit publish!
STEP 3: To make the initial process easier, have your current mobile phone number set up to forward all calls and texts to your new Google number. Make your Google voicemail something that informs callers your number is changing soon, and to make note of the new one.
Ditch your internet
This is not an absolute necessity, but isn’t hard to do if you’re not a heavy internet user, and can save a TON of $$ even if you are a moderate internet user.
STEP 1: Assess your current internet usage as well as possible. Do you stream a lot of movies (can you rent movies instead)? Or do you only occassionally view short videos on YouTube or similar services? Do you browse Facebook or Twitter a lot (can you cut back to only certain times of the day)? This is a vital step to switching to the most cost-effective data plan.
STEP 2: Turn off cellular data usage on as many apps as you can within the Settings app on your device. For instance, I have Facebook and Instagram set to only auto-play videos when I’m on a wifi network, and for games that don’t have any necessary online features, I turn cellular usage off, as well.
STEP 3: Get a data-tracking app to make sure you aren’t going over and costing yourself extra data charges (or just losing your LTE speeds if you’re on T-Mobile). After trying a TON, our fav is Data Usage Pro.
This sounds perfect for our family and current situation. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve TOTALLY thought about doing this with my Mini. My problem is that I have to do a lot of work for school (I’m a teacher) such as entering grades/website/parent communication) and I am concerned about that as my district’s technology stinks. Definitely worth a try though. :)
It sounds very tempting! I just recently got an iPad and just love everything about it!
I would so love to do this, being on a very small set income. Just have to find a way to get an iPad first!
Sounds overwhelmingly simple. It’s about daring to believe and taking the leap of faith…
I used to used the google voice when I could not afford a cell phone. Now I am on a plan with Republic wireless and you have your choice of price and no contract. It uses Sprint Towers – which are ok. But I miss using an iPad for everything else, my kids used to love it as well. Mine was stolen not too long after I first got it. I didn’t have the heart to try and buy another one.
i don’t know if we could totally give up our computer. I would love to look into the idea more though.
Possibly after my hubby gets back to the states.
I am going to give this a try ! Sounds PERFECT !
wbat a great cost savings idea. I really need to ditch the cell phones.
I could totally do this but would miss being able to just stick a phone in my pocket.
Sounds interesting. I’m definitely tired of the outrage I us cell phone bills as well as internet, cable, and home phone. Seems pointless when you do it this way. Will for sure be telling and talking to the hubby about this. Thanks!
Sounds like it might work for our Family!
Thanks a bunch, really useful info. I ‘d never though about all these possible uses. I only used it for Internet surfing mostly. But now I know there’s more to that. Thanks !!!
I love this idea!!! I have been looking for a case that would work (the one that I found by Logitech didn’t work well). I would love to replace my laptop…not sure about replacing my phone, but I will give it a whirl!
I am definitely pinning this for the future. My husband just got a keyboard case for his iPad and I’m looking at one for the mini I got for Christmas.love the idea! Would love to begin to move this way for when our Mac kicks the bucket!
Wow interesting thought to switch over. I’m sure we use waaay too much data to do it though. The list of apps is a great compilation
Love this idea. I would love to ditch all of my carriers. However, I am not sure I can get rid of my computer. Love your tips!
Do you have a favorite stylus for use with apps like Noteability? I read a lot of pdf articles for school and just haven’t found a good stylus for highlighting or underlining. Thanks!
I do, Kay! :) LOVE the Jot Script–I’ve tried several styli and it is by far my favorite.
I would love to try this with my iPad mini. I’m all for saving any money I possibly can!
This is such a great idea!!
I don’t know if I am brave enough, but I am certainly willing to disconnect and save!!just found your site and love the idea of extreme Saving.I’ll head over to that post series, next!
Your so AWESOME, I love “HACKS” in general. Your article just goes to show that you have done your research. Thank you so much for sharing and helping everyone save some $$$
Great ideas. Not sure i can do it lol. But some great tips to do with my kids ipads!
No way! I could never be that brave. :)
kindof excited to try this out!
You make this sound so easy! Thank you!
Wow, such a great idea! This would save me so much $!!
I think I could do this.
I’m not convinced my husband could.
This is interesting. There are websites that are not mobile friendly and special programs that can only operate on windows that I use. Great idea for the casual computer user.
Very cool idea. Going to check into some of these ideas with our iPad mini. Thanks!
Since Microsoft now has a Office App I could do it
I’m not sure I could go iPad all the way. I love my iMac with the huge screen where I can have multiple things going on side-by-side and the comfortable full keyboard. I am pretty slow to adapt to new technology generally, so maybe it’s just me – lol! I do love the iPad for portability when traveling.
It sounds like quite a leap but one that would be worth making the adjustment for.
Can’t remember the last time I used my desk top computer except at work. Already use my iPad for everything else so I don’t think it would be too difficult a transition.
We just got our ipad for Christmas and are slowly trying to work towards going computerless! These tips are great!!
Thanks sooooo much, received the clamcase and I’m loving it. Thanks for the giveaway, I still can’t believe I won.
i enjoyed your post and plan to use some of your ideas. Just one question. How do you print from the iPad without a wi-Fi enabled printer?
Unfortunately, you can’t, unless you email the document to someone who is connected to a printer. :( Sorry!
I have a question about the google hangout app. Can you get a number to give people? And can you use both the voice and text options?
Yes, you can, to both! :) Sorry it took me a bit to respond, our whole fam has been cycling through the cold&flu bugs going around. :( If you have any other questions, let me know!
Easiest way to set up the voice/text stuff is to go online to your “Google Account” first, set up Google Voice, and tell it to route everything to Hangouts (you’ll need a Google+ profile connected to your account, but don’t have to use it for anything else). Hope that helps!
So how do you do OUTGOING calls? I saw that Google hangouts was for incoming calls and texts, but what about the other direction?