Making a monthly meal plan doesn't have to be hard. You don't have to pay someone else to give you a list of meals your family may or may not (read: probably won't) eat. You can do it yourself, in 5 minutes! Plan your family's entire month of meals in 5 minutes! When my BFF shared this ...
Extreme Saving {or, how we do it with 3 kids}
Since my husband lost his job, we've been in super-frugal mode. We've been here before, so it's just kind of implementing past methods we've found to work for us... But since we're asked a lot by families thinking about having more kids how we make the pennies stretch (and still live comfortably), ...
Easy White Sandwich Bread
I've been making our bread at home for a while now. I actually can't even remember the last time I bought bread from the store. And there are definitely hard ways and easy ways to do it, all with a relatively equally great product, but this is by far my favorite right now. Yeah, so it's white ...